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beautiful woman flossing her teeth while wearing Braces in Boca Raton

How to Overcome Braces Anxiety 

May 02, 2022

Orthodontists encourage their patients to get braces in Boca Raton. But let’s face it, it can be difficult to convince someone to wear braces because aside from the device being uncomfortable, braces may also cause pain, especially after you have them adjusted. If you want to see results, learn to embrace the process. And to do that, you must have the right frame of mind so you can fully commit to your orthodontic treatment

Feeling anxious about getting braces is normal, but if you care enough about your oral health, we believe learning about what to expect can help alleviate your anxiety as you understand more about the treatment plan. 

woman wearing Braces in Boca Raton

Tips to Help Overcome Braces Anxiety 

It Will Change Your Look 

One of the first things you have to do is accept that you will look different while wearing traditional metal braces. Wearing this orthodontic appliance may affect your self-esteem, but the good news is you’re not going to wear them forever. Your orthodontist will take the device off once all your teeth are properly aligned. 

We suggest you look at images online of people wearing braces, so you can imagine what you’ll look like when it’s your turn. Some people have mastered the art of smiling without showing their teeth. If your braces make you feel self-conscious, you may want to try practicing a pursed-lip smile. 

Communicate With Your Orthodontist 

You are not alone in your journey toward achieving a healthier and more attractive smile because your orthodontist is always there throughout the entire process. If you have doubts and anxieties, you can always ask your orthodontist for advice to help you feel better. 

Orthodontists also offer patient education and insight on how to get used to braces quickly. We highly suggest you constantly communicate with your orthodontist to expedite the adjustment phase. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. 

Braces Pain Can Be Managed 

We’re not going to lie; during the first few days or weeks, you may experience slight discomfort and probably even pain but not to fret because your orthodontist will instruct you on how to help reduce the pain. The discomfort with braces is entirely manageable. You may be asked to take painkillers or make some changes to your diet, such as avoiding hard and chewy foods. 

Commitment to Regular Checkups 

To make your orthodontic treatment successful, you must commit to showing up during your scheduled appointments. These appointments allow your orthodontist to check your teeth for improvements and make necessary adjustments to realign them. 

Again, pain from adjustments is only temporary. After a few days, it should subside. If you don’t see your orthodontist as instructed, your treatment will be delayed. 

smiling woman wearing Braces in Boca Raton

What Are Your Worries on Braces in Boca Raton? 

Many are reluctant to get braces let alone see an orthodontist for a consultation because they fear that the treatment will cause them years of pain. This is a huge misconception, and if you believe it, you’re robbing yourself of an opportunity to improve your smile and oral health. 

At 5th Avenue Dental, we will explain your treatment options in great detail so you’ll know what to expect during the big day. We offer a variety of affordable treatments tailored to target your unique needs. Our goal is to be your premier dental health provider in Boca Raton. Contact us today for an appointment.